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Consistent interpretation

Typically, national judges must strive to interpret national law in compliance with their constitution. In addition, they are under the obligation to interpret domestic laws in such manner so as not to breach EU and ECHR law obligations. This duty results from the principle of primacy of EU law over national law, and from the obligation of the High Contracting Parties to ensure that the Convention is implemented within the domestic legal order. According to the doctrine of consistent interpretation, a national judge has to choose among the different possible interpretations of a domestic norm one that does not lead to a conflict with EU norms or the ECHR. In particular, as far as EU law is concerned, consistent interpretation is a technique through which national judges can sometimes overcame the lack of implementation of EU legislation by the domestic legislator, eventually limiting the implications of the lack of horizontal effect of certain EU secondary sources (notably, directives). In order to perform conform interpretation with EU law, national judges must use the room available under national law (as a whole) in order to achieve the purpose of the EU act.
Italy, Constitutional Court, order 29/2024, constitutional instance, 24 January 2024, pending
Deciding court: Constitutional Court
Topic: Role of higher courts in securing fundamental rights
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): National order underlying the decision of CJEU in C-151/24 (still pending).
ECtHR jurisprudence: Article 14 of the ECHR.No reference to ECtHR jurisprudence.
Czech Republic, Nejvyšší správní soud (Supreme Administrative Court), 11 Kss 6/2015-53, ordinary, 6. 6. 2016
Deciding court: Supreme Administrative Court
Topic: freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Decision of the ECtHR from 7. 12. 1976, Handyside v the United Kingdom, application no. 5493/72Decision of the ECtHR from 28. 10. 1999, Wille v Lichtenstein, application no. 28396/95Decision of the ECtHR from 26. 9. 1995, Vogt v Germany, application no. 17851/91Decision of the ECtHR from 26. 4. 1979, Sunday Times v the United Kingdom, application no. 6538/74Decision of the ECtHR from 27. 5. 2014, Baka v Hungary, application no. 20261/12Decision of the ECtHR from 26. 2. 2009, Kudeshkina v Russia, application no. 29492/05Decision of the ECtHR from 16. 9. 1999, Buscemi v Italy, application no. 29569/95Decision of the ECtHR from 21. 1. 1999, Janowski v Poland, application no. 25716/94Decision of the ECtHR from 27. 3. 1996, Goodwin v the United Kingdom, application no. 17488/90Decision of the ECtHR from 31. 1. 2008, Albayrak v Turkey, application no. 38406/97Decision of the ECtHR from 26. 10. 1984, Pierscak v Belgium, application no. 8692/79Decision of the ECtHR from 21. 12. 2000, Wettstein v Switzerland, application no. 33958/96Decision of the ECtHR from 17. 1. 1970, Delcourt v Belgium, application no. 2689/65
Poland, Sąd Najwyższy (Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber), I NKRS 118/21, 12th January 2022, supreme
Deciding court: Supreme Court - Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber
Topic: independence, accountability
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Italy, Constitutional Court, judgment 54/2022, constitutional instance, 11 January 2022,  published in the Italian Official Journal on 09/03/2022
Deciding court: Constitutional Court
Topic: Role of higher courts in securing fundamental rights
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): National follow-up of the CJEU decision in C-350/20.
ECtHR jurisprudence: No reference to ECtHR jurisprudence.
Slovenia, Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, VSRS judgment U 2/2023-28, supreme, 12 September 2023, ECLI:SI:VSRS:2023:U.2.2023.28
Deciding court: Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije
Topic: Independence, trust
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Tsanova - Gecheva v Bulgaria, App no. 43800/12, 15 September 2015.
Hungary, Budapest Administrative and Labour Court, 70.M.1051/2018/36, ordinary, 10 May 2019
Deciding court: Budapest Administrative and Labour Court
Topic: independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): No
ECtHR jurisprudence: No
Spain, Supreme Court, nº 121/2022, 2 February 2022
Deciding court: Supreme Court
Topic: impartiality
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): NO
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Romania – Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber) Case C-53/23 of 8 May 2024, ECLI:EU:C:2024:388 (request for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from the Curtea de Apel Piteşti (Court of Appeal Piteşti, Romania), made by decision of 31 January 2023, in the proceedings Asociația ‘Forumul Judecătorilor din România’, Asociația ‘Mișcarea pentru Apărarea Statutului Procurorilor’ v Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie – Procurorul General al României
Deciding court: Court of Justice of the European Union
Topic: Rule of law, independence of the judiciary, Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, Benchmarks subscribed to by Romania, Fight against corruption, Investigations of offences committed within the judicial system, Action challenging the nomination of prosecutors with competence to conduct those investigations, Standing of professional associations of judges to bring proceedings
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The national case is not the direct follow -up of a CJEU or ECtHR decision.
ECtHR jurisprudence: The ECHR jurisprudence was not referred to in this case.

Italy, District Court of Naples, CU (Assistance sociale – Discrimination indirecte), ordinary instance, pending

Deciding court: District Court of Naples
Topic: Role of higher courts in securing fundamental rights
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): Not applicable: the decision is a request for a preliminary ruling to the CJEU.
ECtHR jurisprudence: No reference to the ECtHR jurisprudence.
Slovenia, Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, VSRS judgment and order VIII Ips 109/2015, supreme, 8 December 2015, ECLI: SI:VSRS:2015:VIII.IPS.109.2015
Deciding court: Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: accountability, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Article 10 of the European Convention on Human RightsLangner v Germany, App. no. 14464/11, 17 September 2015Rubins v Latvia, App. no. 79040/12, 13 January 2015Palomo Sánchez and Others v Spain [GC], App. no. 28955/06, 12 September 2011Guja v Moldova [GC], App. no. 14277/04, 12 February 2008Heinish v Germany, App. no. 28274/08, 21 July 2021Fuentes Bobo v Spain, App. no. 39293/98, 29 February 2020Kharlamov v Russia, App. no. 27447/07, 8 October 2015Balenović v Croatia, App. no. 28369/07, 30 September 2010
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Project implemented with financial support of the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme of the European Union
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