ECtHR jurisprudence: Art. 6(3)(c) of the European Convention on Human RightsDecision of the ECtHR from 13. 11. 2007, Cebotari v Moldova, application no. 35615/06.Decision of the ECtHR from 27. 3. 2007, Istratii and Others v Moldova, application nos. 8721/05, 8705/05, and 8742/05.Decision of the ECtHR from 10. 5. 2007, Modarca v Moldova, application no. 14437/05.Decision of the ECtHR from 13. 3. 2007, Castravet v Moldova, application no. 23393/05.Decision of the ECtHR from 9. 10. 2008, Moiseyev v Russia, application no. 62936/00.Decision of the ECtHR from 6. 10. 2001, Brennan v the United Kingdom, application no. 39846/98.Decision of the ECtHR from 19. 12. 2006, Oferta Plus S.R.L. v Moldova, application no. 14385/04.Decision of the ECtHR from 13. 1. 2009, Sorvisto v Finland, application no. 19348/04.Decision of the ECtHR from 5. 7. 2001, Erdem v Germany, application no. 38321/97.Decision of the ECtHR from 6. 12. 2012, Michaud v France, application no. 12323/11.Decision of the ECtHR from 16. 6. 2016, Versini-Campinchi and Crasnianski v France, application no. 49176/11.Decision of the ECtHR from 27. 4. 2017, Sommer v Germany, application no. 73607/13.Decision of the ECtHR from 31. 5. 2011, Khodorkovskiy v Russia, application no. 5829/04.Decision of the ECtHR from 25. 7. 2013, Khodorkovskiy and Lebedev v Russia, application nos. 11082/06 and 13772/05.Decision of the ECtHR from 25. 7. 2017, M. v the Netherlands, application no. 2156/10.Decision of the ECtHR from 15. 12. 2011, Mor v France, application no. 28198/09.Decision of the ECtHR from 12. 6. 2012, Gryaznov v Russia, application no. 19673/03.