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Romania, Curtea de Apel Cluj, Preliminary reference - Case C‑201/14, Bara and Others, ECLI:EU:C:2015:638
Deciding court: Cluj Court of Appeal - Court of Justice of the European Union
Topic: fundamental rights, rule of law
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Romania, Judecătoria Brăila (County Court), decision no. 6635/10.11.2016
Deciding court: County Court
Topic: Freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: ECHR (art. 10, art. 8)ECtHR judgments:  Nikula v. Finland (21.03.2002); Handyside v. United Kingdom (07.12.1976); Cumpănă and Mazăre v. Romania (17.12.2004); Barb v. Romania (07.10.2008); Sabou and Pîrcălab v. Romania (28.09.2004); Sunday Times v. United Kingdom (26.04.1979); Bladet Tromso and Stensaas v. Norway (20.05.1999); Radio France et alii v. France (30.03.2004)
Romania, Tribunalul Suceava (Regional Court), decision no. 83/05.02.2020
Deciding court: Regional Court
Topic: Freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: ECHR (art. 10, art. 8)ECtHR judgments: Casada C v. Spain (24.02.1994), Schopfer v. Switzerland (20.05.1998).
Romania, Judecătoria Buftea, decision no. 842/11.02.2020
Deciding court: County Court
Topic: Freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: ECHR (art. 10, art. 8)ECtHR judgments: Axel Springer AG v. Germany (07.02.2012); Tănăsoaică v. Romania (16.06. 2012); Şipoș v. Romania (03.05.2011); Antică şi S.C. "R" v. Romania (02.03.2010)

Romania, ECtHR, Application no. 22231/05, Case Lavric c. Romania, Judgment of 14 January 2014 (Final Judgment:14 April 2014) 

Deciding court: Călărași District Court Hunedoara County Court
Topic:  Trust  - Relationship with media;  - Doxing towards prosecutors
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The national case is NOT the direct follow up of a CJEU or ECtHR decision.
ECtHR jurisprudence: Dalban v. Romania ([GC], no. 28114/95, § 49, ECHR 1999-VI) Timciuc v. Romania (no. 28999/03, §§ 95-97, 12 October 2010) Odièvre v. France [GC], no. 42326/98, § 40, ECHR 2003-III  Dickson v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 44362/04, § 70, ECHR 2007-XIII) Pfeifer v. Austria, no. 12556/03, § 35, 15 November 2007;  Petrina v. Romania, no. 78060/01, 14 October 2008, §§ 27-29 and 34-36 A.v. Norway, no. 28070/06, § 64, 9 April 2009;  Mikolajová v. Slovakia, no. 4479/03, § 55, 18 January 2011;  Roberts and Roberts v. the United Kingdom, (dec.), no. 38681/08, §§ 40-41, 5 July 2011  Axel Springer AG v. Germany [GC], no. 39954/08, § 83, 7 February 2012 Tammer v. Estonia, no. 41205/98, §§ 66 and 68, ECHR 2001-I, and Von Hannover v. Germany, no. 59320/00, § 60, ECHR 2004-VI Lešník v. Slovakia, no. 35640/97, § 54, ECHR 2003-IV MGN Limitedv. the United Kingdom, no. 39401/04, §§ 150 and 155, 18 January 2011 Palomo Sánchez and Others v. Spain [GC], nos. 28955/06, 28957/06, 28959/06, 28964/06, § 57, 12 September 2011   Von Hannover v. Germany (no. 2) [GC], nos. 40660/08 and 60641/08, § 107, ECHR 2012 Cumpǎnǎ and Mazǎre v. Romania [GC], no. 33348/96, § 98, ECHR 2004-XI Pedersen and Baadsgaard v. Denmark [GC], no. 49017/99, § 76, ECHR 2004-XI;  Timpul Info-Magazin and Anghel v. Moldova, no. 42864/05, § 37, 27 November 2007 Bladet Tromsø and Stensaas v. Norway ([GC], no. 21980/93, ECHR 1999-III
Romania – Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber) Case C-53/23 of 8 May 2024, ECLI:EU:C:2024:388 (request for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from the Curtea de Apel Piteşti (Court of Appeal Piteşti, Romania), made by decision of 31 January 2023, in the proceedings Asociația ‘Forumul Judecătorilor din România’, Asociația ‘Mișcarea pentru Apărarea Statutului Procurorilor’ v Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie – Procurorul General al României
Deciding court: Court of Justice of the European Union
Topic: Rule of law, independence of the judiciary, Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, Benchmarks subscribed to by Romania, Fight against corruption, Investigations of offences committed within the judicial system, Action challenging the nomination of prosecutors with competence to conduct those investigations, Standing of professional associations of judges to bring proceedings
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The national case is not the direct follow -up of a CJEU or ECtHR decision.
ECtHR jurisprudence: The ECHR jurisprudence was not referred to in this case.
European Court of Human Rights Spasov v. Romania – app. nr. 27122/14, Judgment 06.12.2022, Section IV.
Deciding court: European Court of Human Rights
Topic: mutual trust, accountability, rule of law
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The decision of the ECHR is executed by the Romanian state. (Resolution CM/ResDH(2024)102 adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 13 June 2024.
ECtHR jurisprudence: Sanofi Pasteur against France, nr. 25137/16, pct. 69, February 13th, 2020Avotiņš against Latvia (MC), nr. 17502/07, pct. 106, May 23rd, 2016Bosphorus Hava Yolları Turizm ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi against Ireland (MC), nr. 45036/98, pct. 92, CEDO 2005 VI
Order of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Ninth Chamber), C-95/22, ECLI:EU:C:2022:697
Deciding court: Court of Justice of the European Union
Topic: Independence and accountability of the judiciary
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), C-107/23 PPU (Effect of the decisions of a constitutional court), ECLI:EU:C:2023:606, in connection with Romanian Constitutional Court, Decision no. 297/26 April 2018, Decision no. 358/26 May 2022, Decision no. 67/2022 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania
Deciding court: Court of Justice of the European Union / Romanian Constitutional Court
Topic: Rule of law, independence of the judiciary
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The Judgment of the Court in the Case C-107/23 PPU represents the response to the request made by a national ordinary court, Curtea de Apel Brasov (Court of Appeal, Brasov, Romania) as follow-up of the Decision no. 297/26.04.2018 and Decision no. 358/26.05.2022 of the Romanian Constitutional Court and Decision no. 67/2022 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania, which clarify the way it should be judged a national case as regards the criminal limitation period for criminal liability especially in criminal cases of crimes against financial interest of European Union
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Romania, Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), C-396/11 Ciprian Vasile Radu (European arrest warrant and surrender procedures between Member States), ECLI:EU:C:2013:39, in connection with Curtea de Apel Constanţa (Court of Appeal, Constanța, Romania), request for a preliminary ruling made by decision of 18 May 2011, received at the Court on 27 July 2011
Deciding court: Court of Justice of the European Union/Court of Appeal Constanta
Topic: Mutual trust
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): The Judgment of the Court in case C-396/11 Ciprian Vasile Radu represents the response to the request made by a national ordinary court, Curtea de Apel Constanța (Court of Appeal, Constanța, Romania). Law no. 300 of November 15, 2013, published in Official Gazette of Romania no. 772 of 11 December 2013 provides multiple changes of the European arrest warrant: issuing authority and procedure, transmission for execution and translation of the European arrest warrant; additional information and guarantees; temporary surrender or hearing of the requested person during the European Arrest Warrant surrender procedure; refusal of surrender; procedure on arrest of the requested person – hearing of the requested person; postponed surrender.Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 712 of December 4, 2014, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 33 of January 15, 2015 qualified as unconstitutional Articles 211-217 of Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure, articles relevant for the application of Article 104 of the Law no. 302 of 2004 on judicial cooperation in criminal matters: “If the requested person is set at liberty, the court orders against him the measure of judicial control, judicial control on bail or house arrest, the provisions of Art. 211-222 of the Criminal Procedure Code) applying accordingly. In this case, in the situation where, subsequently, the court orders the execution of the European arrest warrant, through the surrender decision, the arrest of the requested person is also ordered to surrender to the issuing judicial authority.”
ECtHR jurisprudence: Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (indicated in the request for a preliminary ruling)Chahal v. United Kingdom, 15 November 1996, § 112, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-V, Ismoilov v. Russia, no. 2947/06, § 135, 24 April 2008, and Lokpo and Toure v. Hungary, no. 10816/10, § 16, 20 September 2011, A. and Others v. United Kingdom [GC], no. 3455/05, § 164, ECHR 2009, Saadi v. Italy [GC], no 37201/06, §§ 128 and 129. Bernard v. France, § 37, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-II, joint partly dissenting opinion of Judges Bratza, Bonello and Hedigan in the Court of Human Rights judgment in Mamatkulov and Askarov v. Turkey, nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99, § 14; Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, nos. 66069/09, 130/10 and 3096/10, § 89
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Project implemented with financial support of the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme of the European Union
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