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Slovenia, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, Up-1306/19-16, constitutional, 23 February 2023, ECLI: SI:USRS:2023:Up.1306.19
Deciding court: Constitutional court of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: Independence, accountability, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Article 10 (2) and Article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights Handyside v the United Kingdom, 7 December 1976, para. 49.Uj v Hungary, 19 July 2011. Mamère v France, 7 November 2006.Prager and Oberschlick v Austria, 26 April 1995.Axel Springer AG v Germany, 7 February 2012, para. 83.Pfeifer v Austria, 15 November 2007, para. 35.Nikula v Finski, 21 March 2002, para. 44.Skałka v Poland, 27 May 2003, para. 35.Perinçek v Switzerland, 15 October 2015, paras. 146, 154.Stoll v Switzerland, 10 December 2007, para. 101.Morice v France, 23 April 2015, para. 124.Pentikäinen v Finland, 20 October 2015, para. 87.Scharsach and News Verlagsgesellschaft mbH v Austria, 13 November 2003, para. 46.Lindon, Otchakovsky-Laurens and July v France, 22 October 2007, 59. točkaMustafa Erdoğan and Others v Turkey, 27 May 2014, para. 42.Tavares de Almeida Fernandes and Almeida Fernandes v Portugal, 17 January 2017, para. 63.  Witzsch v Germany, 13 December 2005.Hizb ut‑Tahrir and Others v Germany, 12 June 2012.ROJ TV A/S v Denmark, 17 April 2018.Romanov v Ukraine, 16 July 2020.Garaudy v France,  24 June 2003.Norwood v the United Kingdom, 16 November 2004. Pavel Ivanov v Russia, 20 February 2007. M’Bala v France, 20 October 2015.Belkacem v Belgium, 27 June 2017.Katamadze v Georgia, 14 February 2006.Palusinski v Poland, 3 October 2006.Williamson v Germany, 8 January 2019.Šimunić v Croatia, 22 January 2019.Lilliendahl v Iceland, 12 May 2020.
Slovenia, Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, VSRS judgment U 2/2023-28, supreme, 12 September 2023, ECLI:SI:VSRS:2023:U.2.2023.28
Deciding court: Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije
Topic: Independence, trust
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Tsanova - Gecheva v Bulgaria, App no. 43800/12, 15 September 2015.
Slovenia, Judicial Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Decision Su 12/2023-13, instance: ordinary, 11 May 2023
Deciding court: Judicial Council of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic:  Independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Slovenia, Constitutional Court, U-I-445/18, 14 October 2021, ECLI:SI:USRS:2021:U.I.445.18
Deciding court: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: Independence (removal of magistrates, legal remedies for individual judges against dismissal decisions), accountability (Councils of the judiciary)
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): VSRS Judgement and Order, no. U 2/2018-17 of 14 December 2021
ECtHR jurisprudence: Olujić v the Republic of Croatia, app. no. 22330/05, 5 February 2009,Fey v Austria, app. no. 14396/88, 24 February 1993,Ferrantelli and Santangelo v Italy, app. no. 19874/92, 7 August 1996, Švarc and Kavnik v Slovenia, app. no. 75617/01, 8 February 2007, Pullar v the United Kingdom, app. no. 22399/93, 10 June 1996, Mitrinovski v the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, app. no. 6899/12, 30 April 2015, Piersack v Belgium, app. no. 8692/79, 1 October 1982, Grieves v the United Kingdom, app. no. 57067/00, 16 October 2003, Miller and Others v the United Kingdom, app. nos. 45825/99, 45826/99 and 45827/99, 26 October 2004,Kyprianou v Cyprus, app. no. 73797/01,15 December 2005, Puolitaival and Pirttiaho v Finland, app. no. 54857/00, 23 November 2004,Mežnarič v Croatia, app. no. 71615/01,15 July 2005,Daktaras v Lithuania, app. no. 42095/98, 10 October 2000.
Slovenia, Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, VSRS judgment and order VIII Ips 109/2015, supreme, 8 December 2015, ECLI: SI:VSRS:2015:VIII.IPS.109.2015
Deciding court: Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: accountability, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Article 10 of the European Convention on Human RightsLangner v Germany, App. no. 14464/11, 17 September 2015Rubins v Latvia, App. no. 79040/12, 13 January 2015Palomo Sánchez and Others v Spain [GC], App. no. 28955/06, 12 September 2011Guja v Moldova [GC], App. no. 14277/04, 12 February 2008Heinish v Germany, App. no. 28274/08, 21 July 2021Fuentes Bobo v Spain, App. no. 39293/98, 29 February 2020Kharlamov v Russia, App. no. 27447/07, 8 October 2015Balenović v Croatia, App. no. 28369/07, 30 September 2010
Slovenia, Ethics and Integrity Commission of the State Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Dts unknown number, ordinary, 6 January 2020
Deciding court: Ethics and Integrity Commission of the State Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Slovenia, Ethics and Integrity Commission of the State Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Dts 21/2018-44, ordinary, 20 November 2018
Deciding court: Ethics and Integrity Commission of the State Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Slovenia, The Ethics and Integrity Commission, Decision Su Ek 7/2023-10 of 16 January 2024 – Are retired judges bound by judicial ethics?
Deciding court: Ethics and Integrity Commission of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: Independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A

Slovenia, Administrative Court, I U 1478/2016-19, ordinary, 30 August 2017, ECLI:SI:UPRS:2017:I.U.1478.2016.19

Deciding court: Administrative Court of Republic of Slovenia
Topic: Independence (removal of magistrates, legal remedies for individual judges against dismissal decisions), accountability (Councils of the judiciary)
National Follow Up Of (when relevant):
ECtHR jurisprudence: Vilho Eskelinen and Others v. Finland (app. no. 632335/00, Grand Chamber, 19 April 2007) Oleksander Volkov v. Ukraine (app. no. 21722/11, 9 January 2013) Baka v. Hungary (app. no. 20261/12, Grand Chamber, 23 June 2016) G v. Finland (app. no. 33173/05, 27 January 2009) Harabin v. Slovakia (app. no. 58688/11, 20 November 2012) Olujić v. Croatia (app. no. 22330/05, 5 February 2005) Mitrinovski v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (app. no. 6899/12, 30 April 2015) Parlov-Tkalčič v. Croatia (app. no. 24810/06, 22 December 2009) Henryk Urban and Ryszard Urban v. Poland (app. no. 23614/0830 November 2010  Maktouf and Damjanović v. BiH (app. nos. 2312/08 and 34179/08, Grand Chamber, 18 July 2013) Paluda v. Slovakia, (app. no. 33392/12, 23 May 2017) Saghatelyan v. Armenia, (app. no. 7984/06, 20 October 2015) Poposki and Duma v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (app. nos. 69916/10 and 36531/11,  7 January 2016) Jakšovski and Trifunovski v. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, (app nos. 5681/09 and 58738/09, 7 January 2016) Moiseyev v. Russia (app. no. 62936, 9 October 2008) Agrokompleks v. Ukraine (app. no.23465/03, 6 October 2011) Scordino v. Italy, (no.1) (app. no. 36813/97, 29 March 2006, Grand Chamber) Hirschhorn v. Romania (app. no. 29294/02, 26 July 2007) Hornsby v. Greece (app. no. 18357/91, 19 March 1997) Kyrtatos v. Greece (app. no. 41666/98, 22 May 2003) Immobiliare Saffi v. Italy (app. no. 22774/93, 28 July 1999) Matheus c. France (app. no. 62740/00, 31 March 2005) Sabin Popescu v. Romania (app. no. 48102/99, 2 March 2004)

Slovenia, Administrative Court, I U 1490/2019-92, ordinary, 22 June 2020, ECLI:SI:UPRS:2020:I.U.1490.2019.92

Deciding court: Administrative Court of Republic of Slovenia
Topic: Rule of law: Principle of legality (in particular, law making powers of the executive/law making procedures) Prevention of abuse of powers Prohibition of arbitrariness Fair Trial/Access to Justice   Trust: Rule of law challenges affecting cooperation and mutual trust under the Return Directive 
National Follow Up Of (when relevant):
ECtHR jurisprudence: M.S. S. v Belgium and Greece, app. no. 30696/09, 21 January 2011 Hirsi Jamaa v Italy, app. no. 27765/09, 23 February 2012  Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary, app. no. 47287/15, 21 November 2019 Čonka v. Belgium, app. no. 51564/99, 5 February 2002 M. A. v. Cyprus, app. no. 41872/10, 23 July 2013 M. A. and Others v. Lithuania, app. no.  59793/17, 11 December 2018 N.D. and N. T., app. nos. 8675/15 and 8697/15, 13 February 2020 Shioshvili and Others v. Russia, app. no. 19356/07, 20 December 2016 Sharifi and Others v. Italy and Greece, app. no. 16643/09, 21 October 2014 Khlaifia and Others v. Italy, app. no. 16483/12, 15 December 2016.
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