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Austria, Austrian Constitutional Court, Case B166/2013, 13 March 2014
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - External - National level
Categories: Austria - Court of Justice of European Union - European Court of Human Rights - National Courts - Constitutional Court - Non-discrimination - Art. 21 - Non-discrimination - Art. 51 - Field of application - Art. 52 - Scope and interpretation of rights and principles
Romania, Înalta Curte de Casa?ie ?i Justi?ie, (High Court of Cassation and Justice), Case no. 3306/1/2015, Decision no. 37 of 7 December 2015
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - National level
Categories: Romania - National Courts - Constitutional Court - Supreme Court - Art. 8 - Protection of personal data
United Kingdom, Court of Appeal of England and Wales, Benkharbouche and Janah, judgement of 5 February 2015
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - National level - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: United Kingdom - Supreme Court - Effective judicial protection - Art. 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
Estonia, Supreme Court, Case no. 3-3-1-11-16, Judgement of 22 March 2016
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Mutual recognition - Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - National level - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: Supreme Court - Migration and asylum - Art. 13 - Right to an effective remedy
The Netherlands, Court of first instance of The Hague, branch Zwolle, n. 14/4276, 27 January 2015
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - National level - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: The Netherlands - Court of Justice of European Union - National Courts - Ordinary Court - Migration and asylum - Art. 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
European Union, CJEU, Weber & Putz, judgement 16 June 2011
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Proportionality test - Interaction between courts - Preliminary ruling
Judicial interaction type: National level - Internal - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: Germany - Court of Justice of European Union - National Courts - Supreme Court - Consumer protection - Art. 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
United Kingdom, High Court, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation et al v British Telecommunications
Conflict: Conflict of rights - Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between rights - Proportionality test - Interaction between courts - Mutual recognition - Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - External - National level - Internal - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: United Kingdom - National Courts - Supreme Court - Art. 10 - Freedom of expression
Croatia, Constitutional Court, legal aid, Judgement of 6 April 2011
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Comparative reasoning - Interaction between provisions - Disapplication - Interaction between courts - Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - External - National level - Vertical interaction - External - Spill-over dimension
Categories: Croatia - Constitutional Court - Art. 6 - Right to a fair trial
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Project implemented with financial support of the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme of the European Union
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