Areas of law (363)
Trust (97)
Rule of law (79)
Independence (137)
Impartiality (74)
Accountability (78)
Country (363)
Austria (1)
Belgium (1)
Croatia (2)
Czech Republic (30)
France (8)
Finland (2)
Germany (5)
Hungary (30)
Ireland (3)
Italy (29)
The Netherlands (1)
Poland (56)
Portugal (52)
Romania (43)
Slovakia (1)
Slovenia (57)
Spain (41)
United Kingdom (4)
Judicial interaction techniques
Interpretative techniques (116)
Consistent interpretation (118)
Comparative reasoning (14)
Interaction between provisions (15)
Disapplication (12)
Interaction between rights (9)
Proportionality test (12)
Interaction between courts (78)
Preliminary ruling (52)
Deferential approach (4)
Margin of appreciation (6)
Judicial self-restraint
Equivalent protection (5)
Mutual recognition (6)
Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence (16)
Dissenting judicial interpretation (9)
Judicial interaction type
Horizontal interaction (33)
External (25)
Supra-national level (7)
National level (8)
Internal (8)
Vertical interaction (114)
External (110)
Internal (27)
Spill-over dimension (2)
Conflict of rights (8)
Conflict of competence
Conflict of interpretation (102)
Austria (3)
Belgium (4)
Croatia (3)
Czech Republic (2)
France (4)
Germany (6)
Greece (4)
Ireland (7)
Italy (13)
Lithuania (1)
The Netherlands (4)
Poland (4)
Portugal (5)
Romania (17)
Slovenia (3)
Spain (13)
Sweden (6)
United Kingdom (8)
Finland (1)
Slovakia (2)
Deciding Body
Court of Justice of European Union (52)
European Court of Human Rights (19)
UN Committee on Human Rights
National Courts (66)
Constitutional Court (24)
Supreme Court (48)
Ordinary Court (39)
National Human Rights Bodies
Other body (5)
Entities involved in the dispute
National body for Combating Discrimination (1)
Ombdusman (1)
NGO (1)
Other private entities (1)
Other public entities (17)
Area of law
Data protection
Social rights
Children‘s rights
Criminal law (17)
Migration and asylum (33)
Consumer protection (9)
Non-discrimination (15)
Effective judicial protection (16)
By Charter Article
Art. 7 - Respect for private and family life (24)
Art. 8 - Protection of personal data (16)
Art. 9 - Right to marry and right to found a family (2)
Art. 10 - Freedom of thought conscience and religion (2)
Art. 11 - Freedom of expression and information (14)
Art. 17 - Right to property (1)
Art. 18 - Right to asylum (6)
Art. 19 - Protection in the event of removal expulsion or extradition (7)
Art. 21 - Non-discrimination (22)
Age (2)
Sexual orientation (4)
Gender (2)
Disability (1)
Race (1)
Other status
Art. 24 - The rights of the child (2)
Art. 26 - Integration of persons with disabilities (1)
Art. 41 - Right to good administration (4)
Art. 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial (33)
Art. 49 - Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
Art. 48 - Presumption of innocence and right of defence (4)
Art. 51 - Field of application (5)
Art. 53 - Level of protection
Right to liberty and security (9)
Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (8)
Art. 50 - Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence (5)
Art. 52 - Scope and interpretation of rights and principles (4)
Art. 38 - Consumer protection (2)
Art. 54 - Prohibition of abuse of rights
All EU Charter articles
By ECHR Article
Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture (11)
Art. 5 - Right to liberty and security (6)
Art. 6 - Right to a fair trial (21)
Art. 8 - Right to respect for private and family life (14)
Art. 10 - Freedom of expression (12)
Art. 13 - Right to an effective remedy (9)
Art. 14 - Prohibition of discrimination (5)
Sexual orientation (2)
Gender (1)
Protocol 4 Art. 3 - Prohibition of expulsion of nationals
Protocol 12 Art.1 - General prohibition of discrimination (3)
All ECHR articles
Legal Sources
ECHR (13)
EU law (21)
10.2.1|Treaty (4)
10.2.2|Regulation (3)
10.2.3|Directive (11)
10.2.4|EU Charter (8)
National law (18)
10.3.1|Constitution (1)
10.3.2|Legislation (3)
10.3.3|Administrative Acts
Other Databases
CharterClick (2)
Redial (1)