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Slovenia, Constitutional Court of Slovenia, Decision Up-919/23-20, constitutional, 23 November 2023, ECLI:SI:USRS:2019:U.I.152.17
Deciding court: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Topic: mutual trust, judicial independence, accountability, Judicial cooperation in asylum
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Vilvarajah v The UK, 30. 10. 1991.Chahal v The UK, 15. 11. 1996.Soering v The UK, 7. 7. 1989.Jabari v Turkey, 11. 7. 2000.Bahaddar v The Netherlands, 19. 2. 1998.Salah Sheekh v The Netherlands, 11. 1. 2007.Ilias & Ahmed v Hungary, 21. 11. 2019.M. S. S. v Belgium and Greece, 21. 1. 2011.J. K. v Sweden, 23. 8. 2016.Tarakhel v Switzerland, 4. 11. 2014.Paposhvili v Belgium, 13. 12. 2016.Savran v Denmark, 7. 12. 2021.N. v Finland, 26. 7. 2005.
Spain, Provincial Court of Girona, Judgment number 278/2020, 25 of June of 2020
Deciding court: Provincial Court of Girona
Topic: accountability, impartiality
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Czech Republic, Krajský soud v Brně (Regional Court Brno), 41 Az 14/2022-30, ordinary, 20. 6. 2022
Deciding court: Regional Court Brno
Topic: mutual trust, independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): is decision is raising a preliminary reference to which the CJEU replied in Grand Chamber judgement from 4. 10. 2024, C-406/22, CV v Ministerstvu vnitra České republiky, Odboru azylové a migrační politiky. National follow-up is not yet available.
ECtHR jurisprudence: The national decision cited following decisions:Decision from 18. 1. 1978, Ireland v. the United Kingdom, app. no. 5310/71Decision from 25. 5. 1993, Brannigan and McBride v. the United Kingdom, apps. nos. 14553/89, 14554/89Decision from 20. 3. 2018, Mehmet Hasan Altan v. Turkey, app. no. 13237/17Decision from 20. 3. 2018, Şahin Alpay v. Turkey, app. no. 16538/17Decision from 10. 12. 2019, Kavala v. Turkey, app. no. 28749/18Decision from 19. 10. 2021, Vedat Şorli v. Turkey, app. no. 42048/19Decision from 16. 9. 2014, Hassan v. the United Kingdom, app. no. 29750/09Decision from 21. 1. 2021, Georgia v. Russia (II), app. no. 38263/08The CJEU decision does not cite any ECtHR decisions.
Czech Republic, Krajský soud v Brně (Regional Court Brno), 41 Az 58/2020-52, ordinary, 20. 10. 2021, no. 4270/2022 Coll.
Deciding court: Regional Court Brno
Topic: mutual trust, independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): No
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Czech Republic, Nejvyšší správní soud (Supreme Administrative Court), 11 Kss 18/2011-251, ordinary, 18. 1. 2012
Deciding court: Supreme Administrative Court
Topic: Accountability
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Poland, Sąd Najwyższy (Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber), I NKRS 118/21, 12th January 2022, supreme
Deciding court: Supreme Court - Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber
Topic: independence, accountability
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Czech Republic, Nejvyšší správní soud (Supreme Administrative Court), 2 Azs 222/2016-24, supreme, 5. 1. 2017
Deciding court: Supreme Administrative Court
Topic: mutual trust, independence, accountability, impartiality, freedom of expression
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Spain, Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo Contencioso (Nacional Cort, Administrative Chamber), appeal number 51/2022, 30 of April of 2024
Deciding court: National Court
Topic: accountability, impartiality
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Spain, Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Provincial Court of Barcelona), resolution number 930/2019, of 30 of May of 2019
Deciding court: Provincial Court of Barcelona
Topic: accountability, impartiality
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: N/A
Czech Republic, Městský soud v Praze (Municipal Court Prague), 10 A 23/2023-49, ordinary, 6. 2. 2024
Deciding court: Municipal Court Prague
Topic: Accountability
National Follow Up Of (when relevant): N/A
ECtHR jurisprudence: Art. 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights
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Project implemented with financial support of the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme of the European Union
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