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European Union, CJEU, Aranyosi and C?ld?raru, judgment of 5 April 2016
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Preliminary ruling
Judicial interaction type: Horizontal interaction - External - Vertical interaction - External
Categories: Germany - Court of Justice of European Union - Criminal law - Effective judicial protection - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture - Art. 6 - Right to a fair trial
Sweden, Solna District Court, Decision of 3 May 2016, B 2768-16
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Margin of appreciation
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External
Categories: Sweden - National Courts - Ordinary Court - Criminal law - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture
Czech Republic, Constitutional Court, case no ÚS 860/15
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Mutual adaptation of jurisprudence
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External
Categories: Czech Republic - Constitutional Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture
Slovenia, Supreme Court, Case no Up 291/2016, Judgement of 10 March 2017
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Preliminary ruling
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External - Internal
Categories: Slovenia - Supreme Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 19 - Protection in the event of removal expulsion or extradition - Art. 52 - Scope and interpretation of rights and principles - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture
Italy, Supreme Court of Cassation, Iyan v Minister for Internal Affairs and Ors,
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External - Internal
Categories: Italy - Supreme Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 18 - Right to asylum - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture
Ireland, High Court, F.O. v Refugees Appeals Tribunal & anor, [2014] IEHC 123
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External - Internal
Categories: Ireland - National Courts - Supreme Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
United Kingdom, The Supreme Court, R (on the application of EM, EH, AE and MA v Secretary of State for the Home Department), Judgement of 19 February 2014
Conflict: Conflict of interpretation
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation - Interaction between courts - Mutual recognition
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External - Internal
Categories: United Kingdom - National Courts - Supreme Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 3 - Prohibition of torture
The Netherlands, Court of first instance of the Hague, Middelburg branch, Judgment of 11 August 2015
Judicial interaction techniques: Interpretative techniques - Consistent interpretation
Judicial interaction type: Vertical interaction - External - Spill-over dimension
Categories: The Netherlands - National Courts - Ordinary Court - Migration and asylum - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - Art. 10 - Freedom of thought conscience and religion - Art. 19 - Protection in the event of removal expulsion or extradition
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Project implemented with financial support of the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme of the European Union
© European University Institute 2019
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