Join Matteo Bonelli, Mariolina Eliantonio, and Giulia Gentile as they present their recently published book
The principle of effective judicial protection is specifically provided for in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Article 47. But how effective is the provision and the protection it affords?
This ambitious project undertaken by Matteo Bonelli, Mariolina Eliantonio, and Giulia Gentile examines that question over two volumes. In the first volume an expert team explores how the Court of Justice of the European Union has interpreted the principle of effective judicial protection, as expressed in particular by Article 47, in selected policy areas, and reflects on the impact of the principle on the EU’s constitutional structure. Taking both a horizontal interpretation, analysing the constitutional themes in play, and a vertical one, which looks at the Court’s interpretation in specific policy areas, it shows the interplay of the protection within the wider architecture of the EU.
This event will allow to discuss with the editors the key questions addressed within the book, such as legal certainty, judicial autonomy and division of competences, shedding lights on the understanding of judicial protection within the EU.
Scientific Organiser: Federica Casarosa
Contact: RSCAS Conference Centre
Prof. Fabrizio Cafaggi (Italian Council of State)
Prof. Bruno De Witte (European University Institute)
Prof. Gábor Halmai (EUI – Law Department)
Prof. Michal Bobek (Court of Justice of the European Union)
Dr Nicole Lazzerini (University of Florence)
Chair: Prof. Deirdre Curtin (EUI – Department of Law)
Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University)
Dr Giulia Gentile (LSE Law School)
Dr Matteo Bonelli (Maastricht University)