The Charter and the Court of Justice of the European Union | Notable Cases from 2016-2018

11th October 2019 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Europe/Rome Timezone
Villa Salviati | Sala Torrino
Via Bolognese
Centre for Judicial Cooperation

Authors:  Aniel Pahladsingh | EU Lawyer at the Dutch Council of State and Deputy Judge at the District Court of Rotterdam

Discussant:  Virginia Passalacqua | EUI

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter. On this occasion, the Centre for Judicial Cooperation organises a lecture critically assessing the 10 years long case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on key questions regarding the interpretation and application of the EU Charter from the perspective of European and national courts.There is a vast amount of case law from the CJEU in which the Charter has proven its value, and national courts are increasingly applying the Charter in national proceedings too. Although many questions have already been addressed, the Charter is still in full development and questions remain about its scope of application; the interpretation of ‘new’ fundamental rights included in the Charter; the restrictions that are possible to fundamental rights deriving from the Charter, and the relation with the European Convention on Human Rights; furthermore, increasing questions have been raised within the string of crises affecting the EU. Ultimately, not only the CJEU, but also national judges are increasingly confronted with the Charter.

This book provides a further dimension to the discussion concerning development on fundamental rights protection in the EU and national practice. This collection aims to provide guidance to practitioners and academics. The publication contains annotated judgments of the CJEU from the period of 2016-2018, analysing landmark cases in which the Charter was central to the dictum of the CJEU.