The right to the protection of personal data and the right to privacy are enshrined in articles 8 and 7 of the EU Charter. However, data protection was already addressed by EU law since late nineties.
The training materials will provide you an overview of the most relevant questions related to this areas: what is the difference between data protection and privacy and their recognition process as “fundamental rights” in Europe, which are the main secondary law instruments in the field, the old Directive 95/46/EC and the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, besides the protection provided by primary law tools, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention of Human rights.
Training Materials
Handbook on the Techniques of Judicial Interactions in the Application of the EU Charter
Handbook on the Techniques of Judicial Interactions in the Application of the EU Charter
Spanish Version
Handbook on the Techniques of Judicial Interactions in the Application of the EU Charter
Portuguese version
Handbook on the Techniques of Judicial Interactions in the Application of the EU Charter
Italian version
Online Training Course
The European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Data Protection in the European legal framework
This course will provide an overview of one of the crucial areas of law, namely the right to the protection of personal data and the right to privacy, provided by Articles 8 and 7 of the EU Charter.Find Out More