Context and overall objectives

Thanks to a multidisciplinary research team in criminal law, IT and legal informatics, FACILEX aims to fill the gap between EU law and national law, since standards of protection may have different substantial meaning in these contexts.

FACILEX represents a valuable tool to streamline EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters as well as the implementation of EU mutual recognition instruments in different Member States. By leveraging all the potential of digital technologies, the project will foster mutual knowledge, communication and ultimately trust among the relevant actors in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice. 

It provides a multilevel online platform offering: 1) free of charge access to relevant EU and national legislation and case law, and 2) automated advice to legal practitioners on concrete judicial cooperation scenarios

The platform will develop three functions providing a tailored legal assessment on potential cooperation flaws and available remedies:

1) LegalDataBase Module;
2) Customized Single Test Advisory Module;
3) Harmonization Mass Test Advisory Module.

The FACILEX upcoming events’ are:

National Workshop Poland (University of Wroclaw): 9 May

National Wokrshop Croatia (University of Zagreb): 28 May

National Workshop Bulgaria (APIS): 3 June

National Workshop (University of Bologna): 6 June 

EUI Transnational Event (European University Institute in Florence, Badia Fiesolana): 1-2 July

Natonal Workshop (University of Maastricht and online): 8 July 

National Workshop (University of Turin): 16 September 

Final conference at University of Bologna: 29 November


  • Leading Institution: Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
  • Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO) – Computer Science Department
  • University of Wroclaw
  • University of Zagreb  (UZG) – Faculty of Law
  • University of Maastricht (UM) – Law and Tech Lab (Faculty of Law)
  • APIS Europe
  • European University Institute (EUI) – Centre for Judicial Cooperation (RSCAS)