Research associate in TRIIAL 2 project

Fields of interest: international law and international human rights law; constitutional law; judicial independence and democratization
DR MARTA ACHLER collaborates as an research associate with the Centre for Judicial Cooperation. She previously served as Deputy Head of the Democratization Department of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). She defended her PhD at the EUI in the field of human rights of assembly and association and new technologies.
Marta has been practicing as a lawyer in the field of international law and international human rights law for over 20 years. She also worked in the private law field, prior to taking on her assignments with ODIHR, where she held the post of Chief of the Legislative Support Unit in the Democratization Department representing the organization at United Nations and Council of Europe bodies (permanent representative to the Venice Commission) and subsequently became Deputy Head of Democratization.
Her areas of expertise are, international human rights, constitutional law, judicial independence and democratization and has worked on legal reform in Azerbaijan, Armenia, BiH , Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan , Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Georgia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.
She is the author or co-author of over 220 legal opinions on compliance of laws of OSCE participating States with International Law
She is also an author at Just Security:
She received her LLB/MA from Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.