New workshop – Freedom of expression of prosecutors and the systemic position of the public prosecutor’s office

Hybrid workshop offered within the European Commission’s funded project TRIIAL – TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of judges and arbitrators safeguarding the rule of Law under the EU Charter (project no. 853832, JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018). The TRIIAL Project provides training activities and tools for judges, lawyers, prosecutors, Explore More

Call for Applications – Freedom of expression vs. pressures to judicial independence, impartiality and accountability | November 19-20th 2021

Law and Society Institute Foundation in Warsaw – INPRIS – invites European legal practitioners to a hybrid workshop on “Freedom of expression vs. pressures to judicial independence, impartiality and accountability”, November 19-20th 2021, hybrid formula (on site – Warsaw, and zoom platform). The workshop is open to Explore More

Call for Applications – Freedom of expression vs. pressures to judicial independence, impartiality and accountability | November 5-6th 2021

Law and Society Institute Foundation in Warsaw – INPRIS – invites European legal practitioners to a hybrid workshop on “Freedom of expression vs. pressures to judicial independence, impartiality and accountability”, November 5-6th 2021, hybrid formula (on site Warsaw and zoom platform). The workshop is open to Explore More

The Court of Justice of the European Union, ultima ratio for saving the independence of the judges in Romania

On 18th of May the CJEU delivered a judgment in the first six preliminary references regarding Romanian judicial independence and accountability. For a commentary of the judgment within the Romanian context, see the blog post published here:

New webinar – Widening and Deepening: Coming of Age Challenges for EU Transparency Anno 2021

Monday 24 May 2021 – 16.00 – 18.00 Roundtable followed by discussion Panel: Onno Brouwer, Practising Lawyer, Michael Cashman, former MEP; Emilio di Capitani, Chairman FREE Group; Helen Darbishire, Access Info Europe; Jean-Paul Jacqué, former Legal Advisor of the Council of the EU and Sir Graham Explore More