
The CJC specific training methodology is based on the premise that judicial training is a continuous process which should be the result of mutual exchange and learning between academics and legal practitioners, and between legal practitioners from different jurisdictions, Member States, and legal traditions. Our methodology includes a toolkit that offers not only basic, detailed information but also stimulates the active engagement of legal practitioners with the practical problems concerning the scope and application of fundamental rights.

The objectives of the CJC training methodology are the following:

–          Creation of a common legal culture

–          Enhancement of mutual trust and exchange

–          Dissemination of judicial interaction techniques.

Therefore, the training tools elaborated by the CJC are not the result of an academic exercise; rather, they are based on direct and continuous collaboration with the legal practitioners, selecting and testing the most relevant issues, and consequently national and European cases, that are then included in the training tools made available to the public.

Given that there is an increasing body of rules that are not only based, but also influenced and affected by EU law in many fields, legal practitioners may have difficulties in understanding the boundary between purely national and “unionised” legal rules, which have to be benchmarked against a different set of fundamental principles.

In this sense, the CJC toolkit provides for a full-fledged training where the EU’s most recent legislative and judicial intervention are analysed from both the European and national perspectives.



 Online Training Courses


Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

e-NACT 0 is an introductory additional course allowing all the learners to test and update their knowledge on the general principles connected with triggering the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in national contexts.

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Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression

This course offers an overview of the main challenges in the protection of what can be considered a cornerstone of European democracies: freedom of expression. Taking the protection afforded by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention of Human Rights, the course will guide you through different facets of freedom of expression, showing you how far each citizen may exercise his right but also when the State may legitimately limit the possibility to speak out.

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Children's Rights in the EU Charter
Children’s Rights in the EU Charter

The course takes learners across the general presentation of the varieties of contexts where children’s rights emerge. In doing so, it builds on the guiding principle of the best interest of the child both in the EU and international context.

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Fundamental Social Rights in the European Union
Fundamental Social Rights in the European Union

This course offers an overview of the main challenges in the protection of social rights, easily one of the most sensitive topics in EU politics. Contrary to other legal systems solely dedicated to the protection of social rights (such as the International Labour Organisation or the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe), the EU has a broader political and economic agenda.

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European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Data Protection in the European legal framework
The European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Data Protection in the European legal framework

This course will provide an overview of one of the crucial areas of law, namely the right to the protection of personal data and the right to privacy, provided by Articles 8 and 7 of the EU Charter.

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Asylum and Immigration Detention: the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union
Asylum and Immigration Detention: the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union

The course is aimed at providing the audience with knowledge and skills on a very sensitive topic, especially since many migrants moving from third countries to Member States are in vulnerable conditions.

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 Residential Training Courses